Rice, fashion and net zero in Zurich

In the latest episode of our podcast “1.90 pro Tag”, NADEL alumna Stefanie Kägi explains how eating rice could endanger the climate.
Bringing light into the darkness: Testing solar public lighting in informal settlements

Yael Borofsky explored how nighttime lighting in informal settlements affects the residents' quality of life. On the ETH Ambassadors blog, she shares her impressions, experiences and the challenges of the project with us.
Why artisanal gold miners do not give up on mercury

Research from ETH-NADEL and CNRST Burkina Faso shows that the use of mercury persists because investors prefinancing extraction impose it as a social commitment and controlling device.
NADEL MAS students return from project assignments abroad

During their on-the-job training, NADEL MAS students confronted challenges at the intersection of development cooperation, humanitarian aid and peacebuilding.
Rutger Bregman at ETH Zurich

Join our conversation with author and historian Rutger Bregman to explore why the narrative about human nature is up for a revision and what this implies for global cooperation.