Welcome to Nathanael Schmidt-Ott!

We are happy to announce that Nathanael Schmidt-Ott has recently joined the ETH Development Economics Group (DEC) as a doctoral student.
The MAS Graduation Ceremony Celebrates Classes of 2020-2022 and 2022-2024

Last night, NADEL celebrated the MAS graduates of 2020-2022 and 2022-2024 in a ceremony at ETH Zurich, highlighting their achievements and honoring ETH Medalist Mischa Weber for his outstanding thesis on the climate-conflict nexus in Ethiopia.
Article: Permanently Overcoming Extreme Poverty

Parliament's proposed budget cuts for international cooperation risk deepening global poverty and defy public priorities.
Podcast: Impact Investments, Microfinance, Emerging Markets

The latest episode of our podcast "1.90 pro Tag" features NADEL alumnus Patrick Elmer, founder of impact investment company iGravity.
Exploring the Economic Impacts of a Sharp Population Decline

In a recent feature on SRF, Dr Kenneth Harttgen from ETH NADEL sheds light on the multifaceted impacts of a significant decline in global population.