EVENT: Mirror COP28: Progress in climate action and what you can contribute
Explore progress that has been made in climate change mitigation and adaptation globally, and hear what you can do to advance climate action.

Event: Mirror COP 28: Progress in climate action and what you can contribute
The 28th United Nations Climate Change conference (COP28) will be held in Dubai in December 2023. It serves as a platform for policy makers from all over the world to discuss measures against the climate crisis. As part of the Student Sustainability Commissions (SSC) event series named Mirror COP 28, NADEL- Centre for Development and Cooperation, ETH4D and the Energy and Technology Policy group, invite you to join the event: Progress in climate action and what you can contribute.
Together with Florian Egli (Energy and Technology Policy Group) and Jasmine Neve (NADEL), we will explore progress that has been made in climate change mitigation and adaptation globally. We will discuss what we can all do personally to advance climate action and Jasmine and Florian will share some experiences of attending climate COPs in the past.