Podcast: Inequality, Power and the Future of Development Cooperation

In the latest episode of the NADEL podcast 1.90 pro Tag, we meet Melchior Lengsfeld, Executive Director of Helvetas, to discuss current challenges and future priorities of international development organisations.
Intersecting Inequalities: Uncovering Disparities in Education and the Labour Market

Congratulations to Dario Meili on the successful defense of his dissertation! His outstanding research sheds light on group-based inequalities in education and the Swiss labour market.
What our students say …

Find out what our students like best about ETH NADEL and what drives them to embark on careers in global cooperation and sustainable development.
Study: An Empirical Test of Pedestrian Activity Theories Within Informal Settlements

Pedestrian life has rarely been studied in informal areas. An ETH study measures pedestrian activity in Cape Town, comparing it with theory-based predictions.
EVENT: Mirror COP28: Progress in climate action and what you can contribute

Explore progress that has been made in climate change mitigation and adaptation globally, and hear what you can do to advance climate action.