Scientifica 23: The lottery of life – Who gets which share of global income?

On the weekend of September 2 – 3, visitors can experience science up close at interactive exhibition stands, shows and workshops and exchange ideas with researchers. Find out from the NADEL team what share of global income you earn and what chocolate can tell us about global inequality.

Under the motto “What holds the world together”, ETH, UZH and the City of Zurich are inviting everyone along to Switzerland’s largest science festival. On the weekend of 2 – 3 September researchers will be on hand at over 60 exhibition booths spread across the main buildings of ETH and University of Zurich, Hönggerberg campus and Irchel, to present their current projects covering very diverse fields. An opportunity to experience research first hand and chat with the scientists.

At NADEL's booth it is all about the Lottery of Life and the question “Who gets which share of global income?”.

What country you are born in determines to a large extent what share of global income you get. Ghana is the second largest cocoa exporter, and Switzerland has the highest per capita consumption of chocolate globally. But while in Switzerland maternal mortality is now 7 per 100,000 live births, in Ghana, this number is 308 per 100,000 live births. Swiss people are deeply connected with farmers in Ghana, but we remain greatly separated. How does this inequality occur, is it increasing, and what can we do to address it?

Visit our booth to play the lottery of life, and test how much you know about global inequality.  

When: Saturday, September 2, 11:00-18:00 and Sunday, September 3, 11:00-17:00

Where: UZH Zentrum – Lichthof (Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zürich)

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