Podcast: Global education crisis, salaries, and small NGOs
In the latest episode of our podcast 1.90 pro Tag, the focus is on education. Our guest Nicole Stejskal gives us an insight into her work as Co-Executive Director of CO-OPERAID, an NGO which promotes education for children in Asia and Africa.

Education for all! This is the goal that the global community wants to achieve by 2030. Although enrolment rates were rising in most low-income countries before the pandemic, the quality of education is still lagging behind. Nicole Stejskal, Co-Executive Director of the NGO CO-OPERAID says this is not only due to low salaries, but also to the low regards for the teaching profession. In an interview with Fritz Brugger, the economist and 2010 NADEL graduate Nicole Stejskal explains why the work of NGOs in education is necessary and what their work looks like. She outlines what it means when the space for civil society engagement in a country becomes smaller and smaller. We also learn why all the organisations talk about localisation – transferring decision-making and implementation powers to local actors – but most of them find it difficult to put their money where their mouths are.
Also: promoting girls, digital tools, and the specificities of small NGOs.
Here you can listen to "Globale Bildungskrise, Löhne und kleine NGOs" (in German)