Project Cycle Management interactive platform (PCMi)

The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) has partnered with NADEL to develop the Project Cycle Management interactive platform (PCMi) aimed at professionals in the field of international cooperation.

PCMi was designed in response to the need for better results-based project and programme cycle management in the international development sector. The concepts, methods, and instruments outlined in PCMi are widely used in international development organizations. The basic approaches and methods presented in the course are based on the practical experience of different development organizations and can be adapted to various contexts.

The PCMi modules were developed in partnership with SDC and cover topics such as project/programme planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. Module 1-5 were developed by NADEL. 

The PCMi is aimed at NGOs and other development organizations, and is meant to help them improve their project management competencies. NADEL believes that the concepts, methods, and instruments presented in PCMi can be used in various contexts, including bilateral, civil society, and fragile contexts, provided that the organizations make an effort to adapt them to their particular situation.

external page Start the PCMi e-learning course

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