Using Sensors to Measure Technology Adoption

Adina Rom, Isabel Günther, and Yael Borofsky from ETH4D and the ETH Development Economics group used sensors to study solar light use in western Kenya. They find that participants used solar lights a lot and that sensors can be a useful tool for studying technology adoption.
Changing the food system, one meal at a time

Cook a 3-course meal at home guided by ETH-spinoff TASTELAB, while using sustainable ingredients and learning more about our food system. Online cooking session organized by the World Food System Center, in collaboration with ETH-NADEL.
Climate, poverty and justice

In the latest episode of the NADEL podcast "1.90 pro Tag", Fritz Brugger and Jürg Staudenmann from Alliance Sud talk about whether it is right to use development cooperation funds to help tackle the climate crisis.
MAS cycle 2022-2024: online info sessions

Studying at ETH Zurich and gaining work experience at an international organization: Learn more about our MAS ETH Development and Cooperation at one of our online info sessions on 16 and 24 November.
Building expertise for sustainable development

Deepen your expertise in sustainable development and project management in an advanced training course at NADEL. Registration is now open for spring semester 2021.