New course on sustainable development for ETH-students
In the fall semester 2019, NADEL and ETH for Development (ETH4D) is offering a new course - “Sustainable Development - Bridging Art and Science” - targeting students from all disciplines. The course featured four recently released films, which will be discussed with researchers and policy makers.
Das schwächste Glied in der Blockchain
Beim Umgang mit Konfliktrohstoffen hilft das angebliche Wundermittel nicht. Fritz Brugger erläutert seinen Standpunkt im Magazin Welt-Sichten.
"Let there be Light" a NZZ News Article by Markus Wanzeck

Half a billion people in Africa do not have access to electricity. This might change now due to affordable solar energy and innovative busniess ideas. Read the full NZZ am Sonntag article featuring ETH research here.