Iraq, water diplomacy and the shadow of IS
In the latest episode of the NADEL podcast “1.90 pro Tag”, André Huber from SDC talks about dealing with the past, the shadow of the Islamic State (IS) and blue peace in the catchment area of the Euphrat and the Tigris.

Five years after the "Islamic State" (IS) has been expelled, it still overshadows life in the region and hampers social co-existence. In the latest episode of “1.90 pro Tag”, ETH NADEL graduate André Huber talks about how demanding it is to deal with the past and the challenges millions of refugees are facing on their return. Until recently, André Huber was head of the regional programme of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC for Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq.
In the interview with Fritz Brugger, the historian and former journalist also explores the role of water in the region. Both the Euphrates and the Tigris rise in Turkey and are the lifeline for Syria and Iraq. But they are also a reason why the relationship between these countries is complicated. We learn how population growth, old infrastructure and climate change are exacerbating the situation and what "Blue Peace" and water diplomacy are all about.
Also: About unwelcome but important administration in development cooperation and André Huber's next place of work in Kiev.