Laura Metzger appointed assistant professor
We are happy to announce that Laura Metzger will start as an Assistant Professor in International Economics at Radboud University Nijmegen.

Laura has completed her PhD at the ETH Development Economics Group (DEC) in 2015 on “The relevance of aid effectiveness for donors”. Over the last years she has been working as a senior scientist at NADEL Center for Development and Cooperation, Evidence for Policy Design (EPoD) at the Harvard Kennedy School and acted as the co-lead for the Jacobs Foundation´s Learning Minds portfolio.
Laura studies the allocation and effectiveness of development finance with a particular focus on China as an emerging donor. She further investigates the decision-making of private and policy actors, in particular the use of data and scientific evidence in policymaking.
We will miss her as an inspiring and caring colleague at ETH DEC and ETH NADEL, but research does not know any borders: hence, we are looking forward to many joint research adventures in the future.