Equitable energy transition in light of global crises – what to expect for resource producer countries (Public online debate: 22nd July 2022, 2pm CET)
To close this year’s course on Natural Resource Governance and Energy Transition: Policies and Practice, ETH NADEL and the Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI) invite to an online public debate on 22 July 2022, 2 pm CET.

From record lows to all-time highs, energy markets have seen it all throughout the pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. To close this year’s course on Natural Resource Governance and Energy Transition: Policies and Practice, ETH NADEL and the Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI) invite to an online public debate on 22 July 2022, 2 pm CET, discussing potential implications of global crises on an equitable energy transition in natural resources producing countries. What perspectives do state-owned enterprises, civil society and academia share or dispute when it comes to the effects of the war in Ukraine and the Covid-19-pandemic on resource-dependent countries around the world?
With Linda Tamakloe (Ghana National Petroleum Company, GNPC), Paul Stevens (University of Dundee), Ana Tamborrel (Climate Initiative Mexico, ICM), moderated by Ana-Carolina Gonzalez (NRGI).