MAS ETH in Development and Cooperation: Info sessions 2021
Studying at ETH Zurich and gaining professional experience abroad: Learn more about the MAS ETH in Development and Cooperation programme at one of our info sessions (17 Nov, 18:00 online, 23 Nov, 17:00 on-site).
The Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) ETH in Development and Cooperation combines 9 months studies at ETH Zurich with 9 months on-the-job training with an international organization around the world. It provides students with both the scientific background and practical experience necessary to pursue a successful career in international development with the government, civil society or private sector.
Info sessions:
ONLINE: Monday, 15 November 2021, 18:00 CET
Please register here:
ON-SITE: Tuesday, 23 November 2021, 17:00 CET
at ETH NADEL, Clausiusstrasse 37, CLD A1, 8092 Zurich.