Technical workshop with winners of the Impact Award 2020.
Earlier this year, three Swiss NGOs won the Impact Award 2020 and received funding from SDC to conduct an impact evaluation of one of their projects. On Thursday 14 May, the first technical workshop with the three winners, their study partners and researchers from NADEL took place – this time online!

The winners of the Impact Award 2020, La Fondation Hirondelle, La Fondation du Centre Ecologique Albert Schweitzer (CEAS), and Vivamos Mejor, are currently planning the implementation of their impact studies – scheduled in the timeframe 2020 - 2022.
La Fondation Hirondelle will measure the impact of a media intervention aimed at involving young people in civic life in Madagascar, with partners from the Michigan State University. CEAS will measure the impact of the project “Bee better” – aimed to develop the beekeeping sector in Burkina Faso - with partners from Université Ouaga II. Stiftung Vivamos Mejor will measure the impact of the “Market-oriented VET, soft-skills training, psychosocial support and labour market placement (LMP) project” for vulnerable young adults in Colombia, with partners from the University of Lausanne.
The effects of the coronavirus has led to a challenging start for the three study teams. Nevertheless, it was a useful exercise to get together, share experiences and discuss challenges related to the study designs. With 20 people attending from four different continents, very many interesting ideas were brought to light.
We wish the participating organizations all the best in the implementation of their studies.