Available now: Economics of Gender Inequality

Stephan Klasen: the man responsible for pushing the frontiers of gender research in economics. In honour of his work, ETH-NADEL’s Isabel Günther and Michael Grimm from the University of Passau present a book with a selection of his most influential work.

Economics of Gender Inequality

Stephan Klasen is considered one of the most distinguished scholars of gender economics of the 21st century. From counting the number of missing women in the world and shedding light on why women go missing, to showing that leaving girls out of school not only deprives them, but also robs society of their talents, Stephan has tirelessly worked over the past 25 years to understand the complex phenomenon of gender inequality. Among his myriad contributions, he has also shed light on why equal rights and rising incomes across the globe have not resulted in higher female participation in the labor market, and advanced the measurement of gender inequality in its various dimensions.

Economics of Gender Inequality, a selection of his most important writings, will be available as an e-book on March 8, 2020. With the book, Michael Grimm from the University of Passau and Isabel Günther from ETH-NADEL honour the academic life of Stephan Klasen, who was her doctoral supervisor. The publication gives the reader an in-depth insight into both what we know and don’t (yet) know about the economics of gender inequality.

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