Research and Practice in Development Cooperation Workshop

June 1, 2018, 9:00–12:30, NADEL, Clausiusstrasse 37, Zürich


Development organizations and researchers have much to contribute to and learn from each other. However, there is considerable room for expanding exchange and collaboration in order to address global development problems. The ETH Center for Development and Cooperation (NADEL) seeks to facilitate and foster this exchange and collaboration. In that spirit, the present workshop aims to initiate a conversation among Swiss NGOs and researchers of how such links can be created and strengthened, bringing research and practice closer together.

The workshop will start with two examples that showcase different ways of using research in practice and the opportunities and challenges arising with such an endeavor. Participants are then invited to reflect upon constraints hampering the use of research and research evidence in practice and to generate ideas to overcome those constraints. The workshop will close with pinning down ideas for a possiblefollow-up event or project.

Confirmed Participants

  • Biovision - Shruti Patel, Programmverantwortliche
  • Caritas - Boris Orlowsky, Senior Advisor Climate Change Adaptation
  • Heks/NADEL - Kimon Schneider, M&E Verantwortlicher/Wiss. Mitarbeiter
  • Helvetas - Kaspar Schmidt, Team Leader Environment and Climate Change
  • Save the Children - Dr. Sarah Sabry, Head DRR, Resilience and Urban Programmes
  • Vivamos Mejor - Monika Hess, Projektleitung Guatemala

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