Conflict Management and Peacebuilding - Tools and Approaches
Conflict management is essential for development practitioners. This course offers pragmatic conflict analysis approaches and peacebuilding tools that can be embedded into conflict management practices and programs.

Registration starts 2nd of June 2025.
Duration: 02/02–05/02/2026
Teaching format: Classroom
Course objective:
Global politics and development cooperation have, to large extents being dominated with necessitated responses to intra and inter-country conflicts across the globe. There are growing usages of digital technologies to catalyze conflicts and social movements. Peace building and peace promotion have further become important aspects of international development cooperation. Consequently, the need to effectively analyze conflict drivers and manage conflict responses have never been more dire as organizations and practitioners are increasingly confronted with designing and implementing conflict management strategies and programs. This course provides insights into effective conflict analysis and conflict management processes. It presents an overview of methodological tools and approaches as well as the operational experiences of different actors. The practical and political challenges of conflict-sensitive development cooperation are also discussed.
Key topics:
- Theorizing conflict and conflict drivers
- Conflict analysis instruments
- Digital technologies in conflict and peacebuilding
- Tools and approaches to conflict management and peacebuilding
Exam: A written assignment will be distributed during the course, and due 2 weeks after the course completion
ECTS points: 3
Course fee: CHF 950
- Dr. Medinat Malefakis, NADEL
- Guest lecturers