Migration and Development

Registration starts 2nd of June 2025.
Duration: 08/12–10/12/2025
Teaching format: Classroom
Course objective:
Globally, more than 280 million people are currently living outside their countries of origin, voluntarily or involuntarily, and a further 70 million are internally displaced within their countries of origin. Migration can bring significant benefits to both countries of origin and destination if the right policies and initiatives are in place. This course explores the various roles that international cooperation actors can play, with a specific emphasis on conflict, persecution and migration, labour migration and the intersections of migration, environment, and climate change.
Key topics:
- Important terms and concepts related to migration
- International legal frameworks related to migration
- The geography of migration flows
- Major drivers of migration
- The evolving concept of ”migration and development”
- Actions, strategies and initiatives of international cooperation actors.
ECTS points: 2
Examination: The assessment will be a combination of group work completed during the course, and a short-written assignment.
Course fee: CHF 570
- Jasmine Neve, NADEL
- Guest lecturers