Market Systems Development (MSD) to Reduce Poverty
![Photo: Asian Development Bank / Abir Abdullah](/education/individual-courses-for-professionals/2025/MSD/_jcr_content/par/fullwidthimage/image.imageformat.1286.1196773906.jpg)
Registration starts 4th of November 2024.
Duration: 12/05–16/05/2025
Teaching format: Classroom
Course objective:
This course provides a basic introduction to the concepts and methods of systems development. This approach addresses the failure of systems to meet the needs of the people and communities that depend on them.
The MSD approach is based on systems thinking and the recognition of the importance of functioning systems for poverty reduction. Originally developed to analyse and strengthen systems based on market logic and promote private sector development, the approach has since emancipated itself from its origins. It is now also applied successfully to systems providing basic public goods or services such as education and health.
In contrast to interventions that focus on the direct provision of goods or services to low-income communities, an agency applying MSD acts as a neutral facilitator to align local key actors and stimulate changes in their behaviour to improve the functioning of the overall system. This leads to more sustainable and scalable impacts, beyond the lifetime of a project.
Key topics:
- Getting to know the strategic framework of the MSD approach
- Analysing and understanding system dynamics
- Navigating complexity
- Facilitating system change
- Reaching sustainability and scale
- Monitoring and measuring systemic interventions
- Managing MSD projects
ECTS points: 3
Examination: The assessment will be a combination of group work completed during the course, and a short-written assignment.
Course fee: CHF 950
- Dr. Kenneth Harttgen, NADEL (coordination)
- Niklaus Waldvogel, Swisscontact
- Manuela Kälbling, Swisscontact
- Rob van Hout, Helvetas