CAS ETH Global Cooperation and Sustainable Development

The Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Global Cooperation and Sustainable Development offers professionals a unique opportunity to learn about scientifically founded concepts on development, to apply tools for results-based management, to reflect on own experiences, and to share best-practice and discuss future practice with colleagues.
Participants can tailor their programme according to their individual interests and needs, choosing from a wide selection of courses.
We welcome professionals from bilateral and international organizations, from NGOs and foundations, and from the private sector.
The programme can be completed full-time within six weeks from 17 February to 28 March 2025 or part-time within three years.
"The CAS programme at ETH NADEL offers an excellent combination of theory and practice and great flexibility to maximise its effect through input providers, coaching sessions, peer learning, individual work, etc. The diversity of both the input providers and the participants has enriched us with additional perspectives and tools to advance us in our daily."
Nadire Selimi, Helvetas – North Macedonia